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Aenean maximus arcu ut egestas egestas. Morbi molestie mi vel magna dapibus consectetur. In ut commodo nisl. Vestibulum elementum, velit vel commodo volutpat, urna arcu aliquet elit, vitae lobortis eros risus in mauris. Proin feugiat, sem ut interdum facilisis, nulla nisl sagittis ex, at blandit ante justo quis ligula. Suspendisse lobortis sed magna ut hendrerit. In non nibh ultrices, ultricies turpis sit amet, varius lorem. Maecenas finibus sapien ac nunc aliquet, sit amet facilisis augue mollis. Pellentesque elementum lectus porta suscipit blandit.

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    Aloe Vera 500 Mg

    Aloe Vera 500 Mg

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    Aloe Vera is a medicinal plant that does wonders for our body. Its major use is in the form of skin treatments, but there are various other benefits of Aloe Vera. This plant is commonly used in cosmetic food and pharmaceutical industries. The translucent gel of Aloe is made up of around 96% water content. Aloe Vera is wildly used as a traditional herbal medicine across the globe. It’s known for its healing, smoothening and moisturizing properties. It belongs to the family of genus Aloe that grows in tropical climates around the world. It can be grown either as an indoor or an outdoor plant.
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    Boswelia 500 Mg

    Boswelia 500 Mg

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    Boswellia, also known as Indian frankincense, is an herbal extract taken from the Boswellia serrata tree. Resin made from boswellia extract has been used for centuries in Asian and African folk medicine. It’s believed to treat chronic inflammatory illnesses as well as a number of other health conditions. Boswellia is available as a resin, pill, or cream.
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    Safed Musli 500 Mg

    Safed Musli 500 Mg

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    Safed musli is a rare herb from India. It is used in traditional systems of medicine including Ayurveda, Unani, and homeopathy. It is traditionally used for arthritiscancerdiabetes, boosting vitality, improving sexual performance, and for many other uses. It is considered a good energy booster. The roots of the herb can also be used to strengthen the immune system of the body.